Metropolitan Anglers' Association - Victoria

Amateur angling is the largest participatory outdoor recreation and sport in Victoria and throughout the world, with about one-third of the population angling at some time during the year.

However, our sport is being targetted by many groups - from those who would like to ban the sport and recreation, to those who wish to use the waters (in which we fish) for their own sport.

The only way we can retain and improve our facilities is by presenting a strong organisation capable of serving all amateur anglers. Join MAA and help make a difference.

1952 saw Victoria divided into 9 regions - 8 of which were under the supervision of a regional association of Angling Clubs, the ninth was given the titla "Metropolitan Division of the Victorian Piscatorial Council", an appellation it carried until June 1991.

The early 1900's introduced "Incorporation" and it was considered to be a "blinkered vision" not to have protected an organisationby becoming incorporated - as the Metroploitan Division was not an entity in its own right it could not take out incorporation nor could it become incorporated under the blanket of the VPC's incorporation. So in 1991 it was decided to change the name of the association to "The Metropolitan Anglers' Association Incorporated" (Formerly "Metropolitan Division" V.P.C.)

After the name change M.A.A. became incorporated and by dingt of a lot of hard work by its delegates it became probably the most advanced division of the VPC, often taking the lead in resolving many of the issues that surfaced from time to time and still does act in a like manner.

Where ever anglers congregated th question was frequently posed "What does MAA do for anglers?"

A simple question, but one which does not have a simple answer, for our activities are many and varied and very often do not come to the attention of the average angler.

Communication is one of the greatest problems that we face, for although there is now a semplance of a network of communication to affiliated clubs, the great mass of anglers who are not affiliated with any club. A half page advertisment in a daily newspaper may cost up to $7000, so it may be seen that there is no cheap answer to communication with the bulk of amateur anglers.

MAA meets on a regular monthly basis, with the exception of January of each year, and at these meetings the formal business of the association is discussed and debated until a responsible resolution and a plan of action is agreed.

Metropolitan Anglers' Association - Victoria

70 Mackie Road East Bentleigh Victoria 3165
✆ (03) 9579 1986
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