Boating Industry Association of NSW

Fishing is one of the most popular recreational sports in NSW. It is estimated that 1 million people in NSW fish at least once a year.

When you're fishing in NSW waters, both freshwater and saltwater, you're required by law to carry a NSW fishing licence. This also applies when spear fishing, hand lining, hand gathering, trapping and bait collection and prawn netting.

You can buy a recreational fishing licence for three days ($6), one month ($12), a year ($30) or three years ($75).
If you're planning to fish from a charter boat or go with a fishing guide, ask the operator if their exemption certificate covers you. If the operator has paid an annual fee, you may not need to purchase your own fishing licence.

CLICK HERE for more information on Licences

Catch-and-release fishing

Catch and release fishing is an increasingly popular practice among many anglers. It is quite common for fishers with a strong conservation commitment to release fish that they could legally keep.

Compliance with bag and size limits and various fishing closures also means many anglers, by law, return fish they have caught to the water.
Catch and release fishing is an increasingly popular practice among many anglers. It is quite common for fishers with a strong conservation commitment to release fish that they could legally keep.

Compliance with bag and size limits and various fishing closures also means many anglers, by law, return fish they have caught to the water.

Recent research has shown that most fish survive using current catch and release techniques with the main factors found to reduce survival being deep hooking and poor handling.

Boating Industry Association of NSW

PO Box 1204 CROWS NEST New South Wales 1585
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